Saturday, 8 June 2013


I have made a new zine!!
I have been making Sugar Paper zine for the past few months and it felt like it was taking ages! So I wanted to make a quick zine and thought who doesn't want to know about the crushes I had as a child!
So I made this...

Featuring The marvellous acting talents of Leonardo Dicaprio, Paul rudd- the Rom com king, The Boys of Empire records and I always wanted to be a secret goth. With some illustrations, collage and clippings from issues of J17 circa 1998!

Available to buy HERE!!

Monday, 3 June 2013


The sun is shining and to celebrate that fact I am having a sale on my art pieces available on my online shop!
For the months of June and July all pieces will have 15% off!!!
So go on treat yourself!!! SHOP SHOP SHOP

(All pieces will only be available online for a limited time)